Friday, September 30, 2011

401(k) Investors Who Use Professional Help Outperform Those Who Don't

Investors who relied on professional help in the form of managed accounts and advice earned nearly three percentage points more than those that did not, according to an analysis of eight large defined contribution plans between 2006 and 2010 by Aon Hewitt and Financial Engines. The plans covered 400,000 participants with a total of $25 billion in assets.

The study found that in those five years, workers who received some form of professional advice experienced higher returns, averaging 2.92 percentage points, net of fees, than those individuals who managed their 401(k) on their own. According to Aon Hewitt and Financial Engines’ projections, a 45-year-old participant who invests $10,000 and receives professional help will have a portfolio valued at $71,400 at age 65, compared to $42,100 for someone who doesn’t get any help.

The study also found that 30 percent of participants were using help in 2010, up from 25 percent in 2009. It also found that younger investors with smaller balances were the most likely to use target-date funds (ouch - the most expensive and worst performing funds offered in plans - usually), and younger investors with larger balances preferred online advice. For those nearing retirement, managed accounts are the favored investment vehicle.

“This research shows the concrete value of professional retirement help during a variety of market conditions, and across age groups,” said Christopher Jones, chief investment officer at Financial Engines. “The help that employers have made available is having the desired effect of keeping participants in diversified portfolios and avoiding costly mistakes.”

The study also found that 38 percent of do it yourself participants have excessive risk levels, and 18 percent have risk levels that are too low. In contract, participants using professional help maintained more diversified allocations with appropriate risk levels, and also employed a rebalancing strategy.

“Exacerbated by continued market volatility, workers not using help are clearly making significant investment mistakes,” Jones added. “Their inefficient portfolios and skewed risk-taking is hurting results—and as the numbers show, the cost is very high.” Indeed very high! High enough to make a significant difference in how you live during your retirement.

CBlakely CFP, CTFA    09/30/11
Source: excerpted from  a recent article from Money Management Executive

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